Please scroll down for a list of Shade varieties we offer
We do grow and offer varieties outside of this list. We typically add new varieties each planting season so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Maples (Acer)
Acer platanoides
Acer rubrum
Acer saccharum
Acer negundo
Acer campestre
Norway Maple
Crimson King Norway Maple
Crimson Sentry Maple
Drummondi Variegated Norway Maple
Emerald Queen Norway Maple
Royal Red Norway Maple
Native Acer rubrum
Armstrong Red Maple
Autumn Blaze Red Maple
Brandywine Red Maple
Celebration Red Maple
October Glory Red Maple
Red Sunset Red Maple
Sun Valley Red Maple
Hedge Maple
Silver Maple
Sugar Maple
Green Mountain Sugar Maple
Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple
Betula jacquemonti
Betula nigra
Betula papyrifera
Betula pendula
River Birch
Paper Birch
Jacquemonti Birch
Young’s Weeping Birch
Cutleaf Birch
European White Birch
Other Varieties
Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
London Planetree (Platanus acerfolia)
Lombardi Poplar
Siouxland Poplar
Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides)
Babylonica Green Willow (Salix babylonica)
Corkscrew Willow (Salix matsudana)
Globe Navajo Willow ( Salix babylonica var. matsudana 'Navajo')
Niobe Golden Weeping Willow (Salix alba tristis 'Niobe')
European Mt. Ash (Sorbus aucuparia)
Littleleaf Linden (Tilia cordata)
Greenspire Linden
Redmond Linden
American Elm (Ulmus americana)
Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)
Golden Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)
Shademaster Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)